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Sunday, October 5, 2008
Earn Money Taking Online Surveys: Free Paid Online Surveys Advice - by Peter Nisbet
Getting paid for online surveys seems like an easy way to make money, and getting paid money for surveys has indeed become a popular means of making money online. However, there are one or two truths you need to know, and also some tips to help you earn money taking online surveys to maximum effect. You will be able to make money taking surveys, but keep these factors in mind:
Don't expect to make a fortune from paid online surveys. This will not be the basis of anybody's online home business, but more of a means of making a reasonable amount of pocket money. Yoiu can earn money taking online surveys, and you will hear of people making up to $200 an hour or more, but ignore that. No doubt somebody might make that with a unique survey program that they found, but your average will be nearer $2 - $5 a survey.
You can work it out yourself from there. Each survey takes on average around 10 minutes to complete, so if you work for a morning a day, say 8 till midday, then you can complete 5 surveys and hour, earning you an average of $17.50 an hour so each morning you will earn four times that, or $70. If you do that 6 days a week, then you can earn around $1700 monthly. With a little experience, that 10 minutes can often be cut to 5.
It's not a fortune, but that's for only 4 hours a day, six days a week. If you work 8 hours, that comes to $3400. Many earn more than that average figure, by using a number of paid survey programs through online survey directories. If you take it really seriously, and seek out the best paying surveys, it is possible to make a lot more than that, and the $200 an hour advertised could possibly become a reality ($288,000 monthly), but that's for the experienced!
However, it shows what can be done by some and with the right programs. I haven't done it, but I have read about it online. Don't get your head turned because you will not earn that - not until you have spent a while learning the basics, and that will take a year or two.
To start to earn money taking online surveys for cash, you have to find a good paid survey directory. These will offer a variety of paid online surveys, and while some will pay cash for surveys, others will offer you free goods for surveys. Don't be upset if you are offered free goods, because these can be sold on eBay at a good profit, and often earn you mire than if yoru were paid for a cash survey.
Therfore, you should register with a respected survey directory first: that could cost you anything up to $50, but if you pay then you are being taken to the cleaners! There are sites that offer you surveys without you having to pay. You can then choose the surveys you want to take from these. They are not over-advertised because those promoting them have little to gain. However, free paid online survey directories are available if you know where to look for them, and don't expect an online search engine search to find them for you, because 'free' isn't always free!
a) Never use your regular email address for your surveys. Open up a new address with Yahoo, Techemail or Gmail. You could receive a lot of emails when you get really deeply into this, and you want to keep your personal email address for personal emails. You can even set up a new email address for each survey group with which you register. It is free to open up these email addresses for your cash surveys. When you start to make money taking surveys, you will get a lot of emails (hopefully telling you how much you are making from your paid surveys).
b) Some will be cash surveys, and some for prize draws. Make sure that you register for a directory that offers mainly paid surveys, and the occasional prize draw, because you could get lucky. However, you still need the cash survey for a regular income. Nevertheless, it's fun to enter a draw survey now and again, so go for a mix.
c) You will come across the message "You do not Qualify for this Survey" now and again. It happens to everybody. Take a note of the survey site and don't use it again. It is due either to your post code, country, age, sex or some other information you provided at the start of the survey, so don't take it personally.
d)Never lie in any porfile you are required to provide because you might then be given a paid survey that is irrelevant to you.
e) You will need some form of password maintenance, since you could be registering for 50+ online cash survey sites eventually. If you want to earn money taking online paid surveys seriously, than a few dollars for password and login protection, security and maintenance is well worth the $20 or less it will cost.
A lot of people earn money taking online surveys, but be careful about free online paid surveys; because if they are free surveys then your payment will be either small or it will involve a draw for a gift. It can be very profitable to be paid for online surveys once you have learned how to go about it correctly, although you should go for the cash surveys and use the free draws as a side amusement just for fun to find out your luck.
Draws for gifts are OK as a sideline, but your main focus, if you want to earn money taking online surveys, must be on paid surveys, or cash surveys. These are what will be earning you the bulk of your income, and if you are getting paid for online surveys then you want it to be in cash and not in the chance of winning draw for a vacation. Good luck!
About the Author
Earn money taking online surveys by using a good paid survey directory, such as in the USA: this ticks all of the above boxes and even pays you to join. UK visitors check out which is also free to join.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Secrets of Million Dollar Home Based Business Opportunities
The Secrets of Million Dollar Home Based Business Opportunities
Daegan Smith
Unbelievable? It may seem like this isn't even possible. Some people think it sounds phony or even farfetched. But come to think of it, even the ancients thought that setting foot on the moon was impossible. If you told them Neil Armstrong pranced on the rocky surface of the moon, they'd say you were nuts.
And just like putting man on the moon was impossible in their day but possible today, successful home-business too can now be possible - thanks to the wonders of today's technology and society.
True, there are a lot of hokey scams that abound regarding home-based-get-rich-quick business schemes. But if you can weed through them you find a gold mine that is available to everyone - yes everyone!
In today's age, success is not only granted to the gifted or the talented, or the lucky. With a little hard work and perseverance, and a few business tricks, you too can start your own successful home-based business. Start with the secrets this article will give you, and you will be able to lay the foundations for a successful home-based business that will be financially and personally satisfying.
What are Home-Based Businesses?
Home based businesses are endeavors that earn you cash while you work at home. It could be that you are selling products or services you offer yourself or market ones offered by an affiliate.
It used to be that these types of livelihood were not possible because people at home had no access to what is called business architecture. Home-based businesses were relegated to selling lemonade and candies by the roadside.
Since today, everyone has an internet connection or a phone line, suddenly the architecture needed for starting a business becomes easier to achieve. This is because the numero-uno-primary-first-of-all need in a business is a clear line of COMMUNICATION between the business and the client or other businesses. If you have the means to communicate with other businesses or with clients to market a product broker deals becomes possible.
In today's age, the internet affords an inexpensive way to reach a wide audience. Such an infrastructure is a marketers dream - and those that realize this potential ahead of time have made the most of the opportunities the phone and internet marketing offers.
So, do you get the underlying principle in home-based businesses? It's the principle of communication. Use this to your advantage, and you will surely find your coffers suddenly filling!
Things to Know, Things to Remember
1. Contacts
First of all use communication to build contacts with people who may contribute to the success of your home business. Use your internet or phone to gather information on the many business opportunities available around.
Some people would use the phone to do what is called telemarketing. Telemarketing involves you calling other people to pitch products, services, and offers. You will usually receive a percentage of the sales made here, or a fixed profit, depending on the policy of the company you are pitching for.
The internet allows you to browse through all the businesses that offer to pay you for marketing work you do for them. You can also use the internet to contact people who would be interested in theses products.
2. The More the Merrier
The beauty of the internet is that it allows you to reach so many people indefinitely using webpages. Ever heard of the taglines, "Get rich while watching TV on your sofa?" It may sound scam-ish, but there is some truth to that - although, I wouldn't be as foolhardy to say you don't need to work at all. Webpages can do a lot of the work modern marketers do more effectively and for a piddling cost.
If you can set up website that, say, reviews products, and it gets pretty popular, you can set up an affiliate marketing scheme in which those who visit your website can be directed to sellers of the products you review. You will then receive a percentage from the sales your affiliate company makes. So in this sense, you are literally earning money from your couch!
There is so much to learn about earning at home, and we have but scraped the tip of the iceberg. This article has, at the least, hinted at the possibilities it affords. Home-based businesses are steadily becoming more accepted as the power of the internet and other communication vehicles increases. You could even start it alongside a day job! So why not? Try it now!
Daegan Smith is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. "Learn How To
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Article Source: Articles island - Free article submission and free reprint articles
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
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